Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL Call VK5001SWL
January 4th 2017
Sunrise 1947z Sunset 0959z
F 73 A 12 K 4 21z No Storm SN 11
A5.5 Solar Wind 510km/s at 1127z
Density 34.0 p/cc at 0412z > IPS
28.262 VK2RSY/b 2353 549 Es , 0122 229 Es.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0123 339 Es.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0152 439 Es.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0441 339 Es.
7.168 KH0I 0832 5x6 , Mariana Islands , Saipan , QK25 , 5604km , two quick calls then gone.
14.265 A61FK 1213 weak, only second time in the log.
January 5th 2017
F 72 A 11 K 4 0z K 4 18z K 4 21z No
Storm SN 0 A5.4
Solar Wind 637km/s at 1239z Auroral Model for Southern Hemisphere 37.90GW at 0355z
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0201 weak Es , 0400 weak Es , 0523 weak , 0821 weak , 0937 btw weak to fair Es.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0208 btw weak to fair Es , 0655 549 , 0733 549 , 0817 549 , 0834 569 , 0943 579.
10M Asian Intruders 0400 btw weak to fair.
33.0Mhz JA pager 0521 btw weak to fair.
28.495 VK4FSCC 0527 5x4 Es , QG63 , 1659km.
28.490 H44DA 0531 3x3 Es CQ , RI01 , 3693km , Kwai Island.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0639 439 Es , QG63 , 1665km.
50.110 VK4AHW 0641 4x3 Es , QG63 , 1666km.
50.125 VK4SC 0651 5x4 Es , QG62 , 1607km
50.285 VK4RTT/b 0655 439 Es , QG53 , 1534km.
52.342.30 VK4ABP/b 0701 439 Es , QG26 , 1395km.
14.200 OH6JJ 1215 5x4 , KP12 , 62 degrees North , 300km North of Helsinki , band empty about the
only readable
7.120 H44SHD 1228 5x7 , QI72 , 3552km.
3.799 K7FX 1237 5x4 , DM24 , Arizona.
January 6th 2017
F 73 A 18 K 4 0z K 4 03z K 4 06z No
Storm SN 0 A5.5
Solar Wind 754km/s at 0159z Auroral Model Southern Hemisphere 37.09GW at 0220z
28.265 VK4RC/b 0110 weak Es.
28.480 VK4LS 0111 5x4 Es , QG62 , 1639km.
39.6 C today
January 7th 2017
F 72 A 16 K 4 03z K 4 15z K 4 18z
No Storm SN 0 A5.6
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0023 weak Es , 0145 weak Es.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0022 439 Es , 0121 439 , 0711 btw weak to fair Es.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0022 439 Es , 0341 weak , 1012 weak Es.
50.285 VK4RTT/b 0043 439 Es.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0043 439 Es.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0053 btw weak to fair Es , 0122 549 , 0235 439 , 0946 339 , all Es.
50.110 VK4RY 0055 5x4 Es , QG63 , 1651km , last heard April 13th 2011 6M Phone.
28.460 VK1DI 0125 4x3 Es , QF44 , 957km.
28.460 VK4QD 0125 5x4 Es , QG62 , 1629km
50.110 VK4MA 0126 59+5 Es, CQ Pacific , QG64 , 1747km.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0136 549 Es , 0216 549 , 0254 549 back in , PG66 , 1329km.
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0159 339 Es.
50.110 VK2HC 0200 5x4 Es , QF56.
50.110 VK2FPQ 0202 5x4 Es , QF55 , 1075km.
50.014.80 ZL2WHO/b Test Beacon , heard by VK2ZQ at 0207z 529 Es , peaking at 549.
50.014.80 ZL2WHO/b QRO into Home Yagi , 5EL at 39ft , RE79TP Palmerston North.
50.140 VK1BG 0218 5x7 Es , QF44 , 956km.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0229 439 Es.
28.298 V73TEN/b 0349 339 3Es , RJ39 , 5779km , 3 x 1926km, simplistic i know !!
14.245 DU2US 1016 5x8 , PK02 , 5609km.
14.260 OF100FI/7 1022 5x4 , Jubilee Callsign , 100th Anniversary of Finnish Independence.
7.163 3D2JS 1026 5x7 , 1051 5x8 , AH03 , 4591km , new log.
7.163 E51AND 1027 5x9 , BG08 , 6152km , IOTA OC013 , new band.
7.163 T32TV 1035 4x3 , BJ11 , 7800km , IOTA OC084 , rarely hear a decent signal from T32.
40.7 C Today , State top 43.6 C
January 8th 2017
F 72 A 20 K 4 21z No Storm SN 0
A5.8 Solar Wind 691km/s at 2041z
28.265 VK4RC/b 2330 btw weak to fair Es , 0210 weak , 0338 weak.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 2331 btw weak to fair Es , 0122 549 , 0339 weak , 0519 weak , 0642 weak , all Es.
28.460 VK4FSCC 0022 5x4 Es.
28.475 VK2RR 0033 5x4 Es , QF59 , 1320km.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0125 btw weak to fair Es , 0229 weak , 0337 weak , 0515 339.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0144 549 Es , 0209 549.
28.500 VK4KUS 0120 5x4 Es , QG64 , 1735km, and 28.490 0225 5x4 Es.
28.470 VK2ZH 0347 5x6 Es , QF69 , 1446km.
28.505 VK4COZ 0647 5x5 Es , QG62 , 1603km , new log
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0710 549 Es , 0726 weak Es , QG63 , 1665km.
7.150 FK4RD 0952 5x7 , Noumea , 300w to Dipole.
14.188 XW3DT 1149 5x4 , OK17 , 6983km.
January 9th 2017
F 72 A 16 K 4 0z K 4 03z K 4 15z No
Storm SN 0 A5.5
Solar Wind 692km/s at 2148z
50.285 VK4RTT/b 0040 weak Es.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0049 559 Es , 0130 439 , 0156 539 , 0530 439.
50.045.70 VK8RAS/b 0052 569 Es , 0143 569 , 0227 549 , 0542 549, 0635 549.
28.265 VK4RC/b 0109 btw weak to fair Es , 0203 439.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 0110 weak Es , 0203 549 , 0233 549 , 0532 weaker , 0633 btw weak to fair , 0907 549 ,
1050 229.
28.490 VK2HF 0234 5x4 Es , QG60 , 1507km , last heard on 10M Phone January 23rd 2010.
28.485 VK5MTM/portable 0241 5x9 , VKFF-0783 Morialta Conservation Park , 50w to Dipole at 27ft.
28.490 VK4LS 5x5 Es.
28.490 JH7RTQ 0248 5x3 TEP , QM07 , 8056km , 37 degrees North.
28.485 VK4JK 0257 4x3 Es , QG62 , 1620km.
28.485 VK4SC 0300 4x3 Es , QG62 , 1607km.
50.140 VK4HJ 0531 5x4 Es , QG63 , 1670km.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 0912 549 Es , 0956 still 439, 1016 229 faint , 1030* gone , QH30 , 1913km.
January 10th 2017
F 71 A 12 K 3 No Storm SN 0 A5.5
Solar Wind 630km/s at 2043z.
50.282 VK4RTL/b 1421 439 Es 12.53am ACDST Adelaide , 0049 539 , 0154 still 549 , 0309 539 , 0340 569
, 0602 549
0826 439.
28.265 VK4RC/b 1426 439 Es , 0055 439 , 0426 still 539.
28.270 VK4RTL/b 1427 439 Es , 0118 549 , 0427 weak.
28.262 VK2RSY/b 0000 569 Es , 0116 still 569 , 0423 still 549 , 0810 still 569 , 0951 still 559 ,
1213 549 , all Es.
28.267 VK7RAE/b 0001 559 Es , 0117 still 559 , 0427 weak , 0811 weak , 0952 339.
28.490 VK7GW 0005 5x7 Es , 0120 5x9 , QE48 , 1100km , new band.
28.490 VK2AAL 0006 5x4 Es , QF55 , 1129km , new log.
28.510 VK4GJP 0013 5x6 Es , QG62 , 1558km , last heard 10M December 27th 2011.
28.460 VK2WE 0014 5x6 Es , QF56 , 1118km , new log.
50.135 VK4WTN 0018 5x6 Es , QG64 , 1747km.
50.110 VK4DUG 0042 4x3 Es , QG56 , 1737km , Rockhampton , last heard on 6M December 25th 2010.
28.490 VK7MD 0058 5x6 Es , QE28 , 932km.
28.490 VK2EMA 0059 5x4 Es , QF37 , 871km.
50.284 VK4RSC/b 0112 439 Es , 0142 still 539 , 0204 559 , 0432 539.
28.490 VK2XLJ 0121 5x5 Es , QF46 , 992km , Orange , new band.
28.490 VK4KUS 0124 5x6 Es.
28.500 VK7ACK 0126 5x5 Es , new log.
28.480 VK7JON/Mobile 0128 5x7 Es.
28.480 VK4FSCC 0128 5x4 Es.
50.190 VK4FNQ 0135 5x3 Es , QG39 , 1827km , Charters Towers.
50.130 VK2BZE 0207 4x3 Es , 0747 5x7 , QF55 , 1129km , 60w to 5EL at 35ft.
50.130 VK4RF 0212 5x5 Es , QG62 , 1625km
50.011 ZL1SIX/b 0215 439 2Es , 0236 549 , RF64 , 3198km
50.289 VK2RSY/b 0217 439 Es , 0308 339 , 0716 559 , 0743 589 , 0828 549 , 0927 549 , 1015 559.
50.288 VK2RHV/b 0217 439 Es , 0716 559 , 0757 549 , 0828 549 , 0927 549 , 1013 549.
50.110 VK4ARN 0223 5x4 Es , QG62 , 1609km.
50.110 VK2UPR/Mobile 0224 5x3 Es.
50.043 ZL1VHF/b 0240 btw weak to fair 2Es , RF73 , 3273km , last heard December 20th 2016.
50.120 ZL1AKW 0244 5x4 2Es , RF82 , 3369km.
50.066 VK6RPH/b 0327 549 Es, 0347 549 , OF88 , 2109km
50.110 VK6ZFG 0330 5x4 Es , OF78 , 2153km.
50.150 VK6JJJ 0342 3x3 Es , OF78 , 2125km , 50w to Dipole , new log on 6M.
50.110 VK6SIX 0341 549 Es , OF77 , 2119km , new log.
50.024 ZL2WHO/b 0248 339 2Es , 0258 439 , 0304 439 , 0316 439 , RF70 , 3268km.
28.264 VK6RWA/b 0425 549 Es , 0811 439 Es , OF78 , 2126km.
50.155 VK4OY 0557 5x6 Es , QG51 , 1321km.
50.120 VK4YH 0559 5x6 Es , QG53 , 1576km.
50.110 KG6JDX 0620 3x2 3Es , QK23 , 5414km , in for about 5 minutes , interesting that there was no
VK8RAS/b ,
and VK4 had gone as well, last heard March 27th 2015 on 6M Phone. Was worked in VK3 , VK4 , VK7.
50.140 VK6AKT 0657 3x3 Es , OF78 , 2132km
50.110 VK2PH 0702 5x4 Es , QF56 , 1170km.
50.024 ZL2WHO/b 0720 btw weak to fair 2Es , 0802 339 .
50.150 VK2FAD 0727 5x9 Es , 0841 50.110 5x8 , QF56 , 1216km.
50.110 VK2HC 0753 59+15 Es , 0837 50.110 5x9 , QF56 , 1157km
50.110 VK2WM/Mobile 0753 5x4 Es.
50.110 VK2DCT 0843 5x4 Es , QF56 , 1124km.
50.110 VK2BXT 0843 5x6 Es , QF55 , 1112km
50.110 VK2ZMT/QRP 0909 btw weak to fair Es , 5w , QF57 , 1235km
28.480 VK1DI 0953 5x4 Es , QF44 , 957km.
73 de David Vitek
Adelaide South Australia
Grid Locator PF95
35 South 138 East
SWL call VK5001SWL